Sunday 5 July 2009

Teddy Bear's Picnic

This week both Reception classes had a Teddy Bears Picnic in the wooded area. We had great fun playing lots of different games, going on a bear hunt, eating our food, listening to some stories and singing some songs. All our teddy bears had a good time too and were very tired by the end! We have also been learning about different wild animals and their 'habitat' (where they live.) We wrote some sentences about our favourite wild animals.

We are all looking forward to meeting our new teacher on Thursday and hope that you can come along to our Exhibition evening to see all our hard work and meet our new teacher too! This takes place on Thursday from 3.30pm-4.15pm.

Look forward to seeing you all then. I will put our Teddy Bears Picnic photos up tomorrow! Enjoy the weekend!

Mr. Merchant

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