Sunday 19 July 2009

Last week of term.

The last week of this school year has been very busy in reception. On Monday we had Sport's Day and green team won just! On Wednesday Year 5 sang us some songs by 'The Beatles' as they had performed them at the O2 arena. Then on Thursday, there was a 'Gifted and Talented' assembly and we had a party out on the field. We played a few games and had our food in the classroom. In between we had all the clearing up and tidying of the classrooms and we just had enough energy for the final assembly on Friday afternoon.

Mr Merchant, Mrs Currey, Mrs Mahmood, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Plunger and Mrs Bowyer would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a lovely holiday and we hope you all come back in September ready to work hard in Year 1. We would also like to thank you all for your wonderful gifts and we will try not to let the plants die!!

We hope you have safe and relaxing holiday.

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