Friday 27 November 2009

the gruffalo

This week in class RC we have have been listening to a song about the gruffalo. He has got orange eyes, black tongue, purple prickles all over his back, and a brown body.
Here a bit of the story
"My tummy is beginning to rumble my favorite food is gruffalo crumble and the gruffalo runs away"
here is another part of the story
"I loved teasing the animals"

by Brandon & Cassia

The Gruffalo

In reception this week we have been doing a story about the Gruffalo. Our favourite part in it was when the owl said to the mouse "where are you going little mouse". The Gruffalo had orange eyes, a green wart at the end of his nose, knobbly knees with turned out toes.
Swetha and Abana

Friday 13 November 2009

Winnie the Witch

This week in reception we have been looking at a book called Winnie the Witch.

There was a Witch called Winnie. After we read the book called Winnie the Witch, we made Winnie the Witch out of paper materials to decorate it. We liked the Winnie the Witch because she was really nice. She also had a cat. We made the Witch with a broomstick. We had so much fun reading the book.

Winnie the Witch

This week in reception we were looking at a book called 'Winnie the Witch'.
I liked Winnie The Witch because she is a silly witch and she does lots of funny stuff.
After we read about her we made our own Winnie the Witch picture using lots of materials.
Brandon, RC

Friday 16 October 2009

Mini Scientists

What a fantastic week we have had. RN have explored, investigated and questioned why and how things work. The children have really enjoyed every bit of science week and so have I.

We explored how and why shadows occur. Then we looked at our shadows and used various play equipments to make shadows too.

The children enjoyed studying our class fish and snails to see the various body parts. They especially enjoyed watching the animals as they ate to find out if they had teeth.

To add to that, we investigated what materials were attracted to magnets. The children were challenged to build a marble run that would make the marble travel the slowest. They liked this alot.

To top all of this off, we were treated to an excellent science show about gravity, magnetism and forces. The children had a blast and two of our reception children offered a helping hand to the show. Well done to the both of them and to all the children for being keen scientists!

Sunday 11 October 2009

RN learns about long and short

In RN, the children enjoyed identifying longer and shorter objects from around the environment. The children were eager to show their understanding of long and short, using cubes, chains and strings to show our understanding of long and short. We enjoyed sharing this learning in Friday's Good works assembly.

Click on the powerpoint attached to watch the slide show.

RN long and short.pps

Numeracy Lessons

This week in our numeracy lessons we have been focusing on measurement. We have been finding objects that are longer or shorter than our ruler or piece of string and have been comparing them.

Thank you to all who sent in baby and family photographs. Keep sending them in for us to guess who you are! But remember to put your name on the back and put your photograph in an envelope so that is won't get lost.
Next week is science week and our topic is 'Light and Dark'. We are hoping for lots of sun!!!

Sunday 4 October 2009


Welcome to Reception blog. We have now been in school 4 weeks and have settled in nicely. We especially enjoy playing and exploring the outdoor area.

Last week we went for a walk to find evidence that Autumn was coming. We found lots of leaves that were changing colour and acorns and berries that had been blown off the trees.

Can you find anymore evidence that autumn is here?

This week was our first visit to 'Good Works Assembly' and we enjoyed sharing with everyone our sound trumpets we had made because in literacy we had been learning about making lots of different sounds with our voices. We hope to see you there one week, RC attend morning good works at 10.15 and RN afternoon good works 2.55.

Sunday 19 July 2009

Last week of term.

The last week of this school year has been very busy in reception. On Monday we had Sport's Day and green team won just! On Wednesday Year 5 sang us some songs by 'The Beatles' as they had performed them at the O2 arena. Then on Thursday, there was a 'Gifted and Talented' assembly and we had a party out on the field. We played a few games and had our food in the classroom. In between we had all the clearing up and tidying of the classrooms and we just had enough energy for the final assembly on Friday afternoon.

Mr Merchant, Mrs Currey, Mrs Mahmood, Mrs Roberts, Mrs Plunger and Mrs Bowyer would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a lovely holiday and we hope you all come back in September ready to work hard in Year 1. We would also like to thank you all for your wonderful gifts and we will try not to let the plants die!!

We hope you have safe and relaxing holiday.

Teddy Bear's Picnic

RC enjoyed our visit to the woods with our teddy bears and do you know what we found? We found that several of the teddies from the class had escaped to the woods, so we had to go on a bear hunt to find them all. After we had found all the teddies we ate out picnic and sang a few songs and listened to a few stories about bears of course.

Sunday 5 July 2009

Wild Animals

Which of these wild animals do you know the name of? Do you know how they move? What sound do they make? Do you know their 'habitat'? (where they live)

Teddy Bear's Picnic

This week both Reception classes had a Teddy Bears Picnic in the wooded area. We had great fun playing lots of different games, going on a bear hunt, eating our food, listening to some stories and singing some songs. All our teddy bears had a good time too and were very tired by the end! We have also been learning about different wild animals and their 'habitat' (where they live.) We wrote some sentences about our favourite wild animals.

We are all looking forward to meeting our new teacher on Thursday and hope that you can come along to our Exhibition evening to see all our hard work and meet our new teacher too! This takes place on Thursday from 3.30pm-4.15pm.

Look forward to seeing you all then. I will put our Teddy Bears Picnic photos up tomorrow! Enjoy the weekend!

Mr. Merchant

Sunday 28 June 2009

Barleyland Trip

Here are some more photographs from our trip. We were all so excited about going on a coach that we chatted all the way there. When we got there we split into 3 groups to go round the farm. What alot of things we did!!! We had a tractor and train ride, we fed the animals and stroked some of the animals close up and we even had time to go on the 'bouncy pillow' and go in the large adventure area with giant slides. On the way back we were much more quiet!!!. What a great day we had.