Saturday 21 March 2009

Superheroes and Multi-cultural month

On Friday we all dressed in our own clothes as part of the PAWS non-uniform day to raise money / collect eggs for the Easter Fayre which is on Tuesday after school. (We hope to see you all there!)

March was also multi-cultural month. In Reception we were lucky enough to have some of the mum's
who speak other languages to come into our class and read a story or poem or help us learn a song in a different language. We also heard about all the different languages that people in our class speak.

We are all looking forward to Easter and have been listening to the Easter story, to learn about why Christian people celebrate Easter. We are about to start our Easter crafts and also a very special Easter surprise which involves the PARENTS!...more details will be announced shortly - Watch this space!!

Mr. Merchant and RM :-)

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