Tuesday 4 November 2008

What can you see?

This week in Reception, we started our topic on senses by looking at the sense of sight. We looked carefully at our eyes and learnt about how they work. We found out that all of our eyes are different colours. We learnt that the black dot in the middle of our eye is called the Pupil and the coloured part is called the Iris. The Iris is a muscle that moves the pupil to let more light or less light in.

Suleiman gave an excellent answer to the question, why do we have eyebrows and eyelashes. He knew that these are to protect our eyes from dirt and dust. We found out that the white part of our eyes is also for protection.

We played some games about how we might feel if we couldn't see. We found out that it was 'scary' and 'boring' not being able to see all the wonderful things around you. Some people in the class have glasses to help them to see better.

Next week we will be looking at the sense of sound. To help your child at home you can talk to them about the five senses and how important they are.

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