Friday 25 June 2010


In Reception we have been learning about Bears and we got bears(toy bears)from school but they went missing. We then went on a bear hut to look for them, eventually all the hard work payed off and we found them.

Friday 18 June 2010

Oliver's Fruit Salad

In Reception this week we have been looking at the book called 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'. here is some of the book...

Oliver is back from the most perfect holiday at his Grandparents house. Suddenly, nothing at home seems quite good enough.What is Oliver's mum going to do!

We've made our own fruit bowls using paint, we showed them in assembly!

Friday 11 June 2010

Maths Challenge Day

In Reception today it was Maths Challenge Day. We got split into groups then we all made a circle after one of the groups went into the circle and made a shape and everyone had to guess what shape it was, when someone finally got the shape right another group had a go making a shape.