Friday 29 January 2010

Superb Sounds

In RN we learned the letter sounds of G, J. We made words using the letter sounds. Our favourite word was Jelly. Mrs.Nwichi taught us the sound G by saying Geh and feeling your Adam's Apple.

Friday 22 January 2010

Taking Away And Transport

In reception we have been taking away numbers. We used our fingers to help us. The best mathematicians were SAMI and SHAAMIL. We learned to subtract up 10.

We also learned about Transport. Here are the transport we know:

  1. Rocket

  2. Car

  3. Hot Air Balloon

  4. Lorry

  5. Plane

  6. Buses

  7. Taxi

  8. Truck

  9. Helicopter

  10. Boat

  11. Jet

  12. Sumbarine

  13. Jet Ski

  14. Motor Bike

  15. Train

  16. Ferry

  17. Cycle

  18. Skate Board

  19. Slay

  20. Roller Skates

Friday 8 January 2010

The big snowman

This week it has been snowing we have been playing outside in the snow in the field.We made a big snowman this is how we made it

1.first we rolled snow to make a big ball. we patted down some snow to make it bigger.

3.then we made a small ball for the head.

4.also we put the head on the body.

5.we didn't have any eyes but we had a a carrot for the nose.

We loved playing with the snow! (here are some pictures of us in the snow)

Snowball fight

In reception this week it was snowing and everyone had fun playing in the snow.We had a snowball fight and made snowmen,the snow was very deep and cold. We worked together and built a huge snowman .

Thursday 7 January 2010

Snow Days

Happy New Year to you all. Over the past weeks in school we have had two snow days and RC and RN have dashed out to have fun in the snow. We couldn't wait to get out of the doors. Here are a few of our pictures.