Wednesday 24 November 2010

Musical Quintet

This afternoon we were visited by a musical quintet, who performed many great tunes. Here is one of them.

Friday 22 October 2010

Friday 2 July 2010

Our Trip To Old MacDonalds Farm

On Monday we went to Old MacDonald's Farm, we had a GREAT time. First we on a coach to get to the farm. Then we started to look and feed the animals. After that we had lunch together, when we finished lunch we went off to go and play. We also went on the train wich was fun then watched a film.

By Avneet and Brandon

Our Trip to The Farm

On Monday, both classes, RC and RN went to Old Mcdonald's Farm. Firstly, we went to see the animals, and we also fed them. We fed a goat and it was so fun! Then went on a tremendous slide. It was a spyro slide! Then we went on a snake slide aswell. Some children were wrapped up in a sack. It was so scary! Straight after,we ran onto the sand.
Then, the best bit were the 'Go Karts'. We had to race, and the winners were Sophie, Faith and Kaylie. They were so happy. Then, we went to the kangaroos, but they saddly did not jump, because it was TOO hot. Finally, we had lunch. Unfortunately, it was our time to return to school. We were extremely sad!

When we returned to school, we were so tired aswell. It was the best trip so far!

Here is a song of Old Mcdonald's Farm:

by Sophie and Faith

Friday 25 June 2010


In Reception we have been learning about Bears and we got bears(toy bears)from school but they went missing. We then went on a bear hut to look for them, eventually all the hard work payed off and we found them.

Friday 18 June 2010

Oliver's Fruit Salad

In Reception this week we have been looking at the book called 'Oliver's Fruit Salad'. here is some of the book...

Oliver is back from the most perfect holiday at his Grandparents house. Suddenly, nothing at home seems quite good enough.What is Oliver's mum going to do!

We've made our own fruit bowls using paint, we showed them in assembly!

Friday 11 June 2010

Maths Challenge Day

In Reception today it was Maths Challenge Day. We got split into groups then we all made a circle after one of the groups went into the circle and made a shape and everyone had to guess what shape it was, when someone finally got the shape right another group had a go making a shape.

Friday 21 May 2010

RN - Fun with Parachutes

Symmetrical patterns

In reception this week we have been looking at symmetrical patterns, we created butterfly's and decorated them with symmetrical patterns. It was quite hard because the patterns had to be exactly the same.

Friday 14 May 2010

creating Caterpillars

The children used Colour Magic to create a picture of The Very Hungry Caterpillar

By Abena

By Jay

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

In Reception this week we have been looking at a book called The Very Hungry Caterpillar, we wrote about the story in our books and this is some of the story...

One day there was a tiny egg and the egg turned into a Caterpillar and he ate and ate and ate until one day he was very fat, he turned himself into a cocoon after a week or two he came out of the cocoon and turned out to be a butterfly.

And that's what we have been doing this week.

Thursday 13 May 2010

Wanted to share a great website that I used to teach my reception class ordering numbers to 20. The children really enjoyed using it.
Miss Nwichi

Balancing act in RN

Friday 7 May 2010


In Reception this week we have been very busy planting different seeds, we made a hole then planted a seed after that we filled the hole with soil then we watered the plant after we waited and waited and waited, when we came back the next day our plants had grown.

written by Eleni and Jake

Friday 30 April 2010

Jack And The Been Stalk

In Reception this week we have been looking the story of 'Jack and the been stalk', everyone enjoyed the book and our favourite part was when Jack stole all the things from the giant, we didn't like the bit when the giant pretend to eat Jack.

Friday 23 April 2010

The Gingerbread man

In Reception this week we have been at looking at the Gingerbread man. We coloured in a picture of one then wrote a sentence underneath it (if you want to see them they are outside our classroom). We read the story of it,our favourite part was when the Gingerbread man said run run as fast as you can you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread man.

Friday 19 March 2010


This week in reception we have been playing parachute games.It was really fun. Our teacher threw the parachute up and we went under it.It had lovely bright colours on it.We done it with our group. Miss plunger was helping us. There was 5 people in our group. The parachute was very big and round.We were excited when we found out that we were going to play parachute. It was very fun!
by mehdi and florian

Friday 12 March 2010

The 3 little pigs

In Reception this week we have been looking at the 3 little pigs.We acted it out we then read out the story and one of the 3 little pigs made a house out of straw,the 2nd little pig made a house out of sticks and the 3rd little pig made a house out of bricks.Then we watched the film of it and everyone enjoyed it.

By Sahil and Florian

The 3 little pigs

In Reception this week we have been looking at the 3 little pigs,we watched the film of it then we made a play based on the 3 little pigs.We then read the story of it and we really enjoyed it.

By Amber and Rohan

Friday 5 March 2010


In RN this week we have been looking at the ENORMOUS turnip,we acted it out then we then printed a picture out from the computer then coloured the picture in.After we wrote out the story in our books.

By Sahil and Sophie

Friday 26 February 2010

Our Trip To The Fire Station

In Reception this week we went to the Fire Station,We learnt all about how to keep safe when the fire bell rings.We also saw the big fire engine and a video about not to touch matches,smoke alarms or any other dangerous things.

by Kinza & Fizan

Friday 12 February 2010

Cool China Week

In RN we had a race like the Chinese Zodiac. Kinza was a rooster and Alisha was a horse. Kinza won the 2nd race and Alisha won the 1st race. Our class animal was an ox. We were authors and we wrote our own book about an Ox. Rohan named it Omari.

Here is a sneak Peek about 1 of our stories:

One evening, Omari the Ox went to Dog's house for dinner. But when he got there, he found Dog looking very sad. 'Why are you sad?' Omari asked Dog. Dog told Omari that he was sad because the lovely dinner he was cooking had burnt while he was taking a shower.

Friday 29 January 2010

Superb Sounds

In RN we learned the letter sounds of G, J. We made words using the letter sounds. Our favourite word was Jelly. Mrs.Nwichi taught us the sound G by saying Geh and feeling your Adam's Apple.

Friday 22 January 2010

Taking Away And Transport

In reception we have been taking away numbers. We used our fingers to help us. The best mathematicians were SAMI and SHAAMIL. We learned to subtract up 10.

We also learned about Transport. Here are the transport we know:

  1. Rocket

  2. Car

  3. Hot Air Balloon

  4. Lorry

  5. Plane

  6. Buses

  7. Taxi

  8. Truck

  9. Helicopter

  10. Boat

  11. Jet

  12. Sumbarine

  13. Jet Ski

  14. Motor Bike

  15. Train

  16. Ferry

  17. Cycle

  18. Skate Board

  19. Slay

  20. Roller Skates

Friday 8 January 2010

The big snowman

This week it has been snowing we have been playing outside in the snow in the field.We made a big snowman this is how we made it

1.first we rolled snow to make a big ball. we patted down some snow to make it bigger.

3.then we made a small ball for the head.

4.also we put the head on the body.

5.we didn't have any eyes but we had a a carrot for the nose.

We loved playing with the snow! (here are some pictures of us in the snow)

Snowball fight

In reception this week it was snowing and everyone had fun playing in the snow.We had a snowball fight and made snowmen,the snow was very deep and cold. We worked together and built a huge snowman .

Thursday 7 January 2010

Snow Days

Happy New Year to you all. Over the past weeks in school we have had two snow days and RC and RN have dashed out to have fun in the snow. We couldn't wait to get out of the doors. Here are a few of our pictures.