Friday 27 November 2009

the gruffalo

This week in class RC we have have been listening to a song about the gruffalo. He has got orange eyes, black tongue, purple prickles all over his back, and a brown body.
Here a bit of the story
"My tummy is beginning to rumble my favorite food is gruffalo crumble and the gruffalo runs away"
here is another part of the story
"I loved teasing the animals"

by Brandon & Cassia

The Gruffalo

In reception this week we have been doing a story about the Gruffalo. Our favourite part in it was when the owl said to the mouse "where are you going little mouse". The Gruffalo had orange eyes, a green wart at the end of his nose, knobbly knees with turned out toes.
Swetha and Abana

Friday 13 November 2009

Winnie the Witch

This week in reception we have been looking at a book called Winnie the Witch.

There was a Witch called Winnie. After we read the book called Winnie the Witch, we made Winnie the Witch out of paper materials to decorate it. We liked the Winnie the Witch because she was really nice. She also had a cat. We made the Witch with a broomstick. We had so much fun reading the book.

Winnie the Witch

This week in reception we were looking at a book called 'Winnie the Witch'.
I liked Winnie The Witch because she is a silly witch and she does lots of funny stuff.
After we read about her we made our own Winnie the Witch picture using lots of materials.
Brandon, RC