Sunday 28 June 2009

Barleyland Trip

Here are some more photographs from our trip. We were all so excited about going on a coach that we chatted all the way there. When we got there we split into 3 groups to go round the farm. What alot of things we did!!! We had a tractor and train ride, we fed the animals and stroked some of the animals close up and we even had time to go on the 'bouncy pillow' and go in the large adventure area with giant slides. On the way back we were much more quiet!!!. What a great day we had.

Thursday 25 June 2009

Barleylands Visit

We had a great time at Barleylands on Monday. A big thank-you to all the parents who helped out at our trips. We hope you enjoyed it as much as the children did. Here are just a few photos from our day.

Sunday 21 June 2009

Carnival Week at Glade

This last week has been arts week at Glade and our theme this year has been carnival. First we looked at carnival parades on 'you tube' and then we read the story 'Nini at Carnival'. Then we looked at the colours and costumes that you see in a carnival and how people change their appearances by dressing up. RC decided to make masks so that other had to guess who we were and finally RM and RC made musical instruments as carnivals tend to be very noisy and musical.

In Good Works assembly we paraded around the hall shaking our instruments.

Saturday 20 June 2009

Barleylands on Monday!

All the children are really excited about our visit to Barleylands farm on Monday. Here are just a few things to remember.

- Please arrive at school promptly at 8.45am on Monday.

- Please ensure your child has a packed lunch.

- Your child may bring up to £2 spending money.

- We will be back to school at the usual time.

I'm sure all the children (and staff/parent helpers!) will have a great day and will learn lots.
Let's hope the weather stays nice for us.

See you Monday!

Videos and photographs of our visit will be put on the Reception blog as soon after our trip as possible for you all to see.

Friday 12 June 2009


This week we had great fun trying different fruits. We decided that our favourite fruits were strawberries and pears. See if you can name all the fruits in the picture. Do you remember why fruits are so good at keeping us healthy? Can you remember how many fruits and vegetables we should have a day? We are really excited about our farm visit! Parents will be notified if they will be helping next week. Have a good weekend!

Saturday 6 June 2009

Healthy Eating!

This week in Science we were learning about the importance of eating a balanced diet. We learnt about vegetables and why they are good for us. We even got the chance to taste some new vegetables! The picture above shows what a balanced diet should look like.

Do you eat a balanced diet?