Sunday 24 May 2009


We had a great week looking for different minibeasts in the forest area, reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar and writing our own sentences about it and creating our own minibeast pictures using Colour Magic.

We are getting more excited about our Barleylands farm visit in June! Please return the reply slip and money as soon as possible if you would like your child to attend. Please also let us know if you would like to help on the trip.

Have a great half term, enjoy the weather and we look forward to seeing you refreshed on Monday 1st June :-)

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Minibeast Week

This week we have been reading the story 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' by Eric Carle. We have been talking about and looking at photographs of minibeasts. On Monday some snails came to visit the classroom for the day, they weren't very well behaved as they kept trying to slide out of the tray. Today we went for a minibeast hunt in our wooded area. We tried to be quiet but it was so exciting looking for bugs. We did find quite a few.

Saturday 16 May 2009

Farm animals

This week in Science we have been looking at farm animals in preparation for our trip to Barleylands farm in June. See if your child can name the farm animals in the picture and tell you one fact about them. What sound do they make? What are their babies called? Where do they live? Do they give us anything? - milk/wool etc.

(Click on the picture to make it bigger and easier to see!)

Details of our Barleylands farm visit will be coming out soon!

Thursday 7 May 2009

Longer and Shorter

Last week we used the Gingerbread man again to do some more measuring. We found things which were longer and shorter than him. We even found some things which were the same length as him. We learnt how to measure accurately and what the words longer, shorter and same length meant.

This week in Science we are starting our topic on animals. We did a mindmap of everything we know about animals and we already know quite a lot which is good! In Literacy, we have been looking at the story of Jim and the Beanstalk and thinking about how Jim and the Giant felt at different parts of the story. This also made up some of our PSED work.

We are all looking forward to our farm visit in June after talking about all the different farm animals we know! More details will be announced nearer the time!