Friday 24 April 2009

Number week!

This week was Number week so we had lots of fun with maths! We practised counting all the way to 100 and then back from 30. We read the story of The Gingerbread Man and found objects that were heavier and lighter than The Gingerbread man. We learnt about the balance and how it can help us when we are weighing. We also had a visit from Bubblz the clown who made us all laugh and taught us lots of new things!

Please come along to our parents' Numeracy and Literacy workshops for more information on how to help your child in these important subjects - more details in the newsletter!

See you next week!

Sunday 5 April 2009

More Easter bonnets

Once again I would like to say thank you to all the parents and voluteers that helped make Friday such a success. We all had a great time!!! and went home excited and exhausted. Here are a few of the many photos of our fantastic bonnets. HAPPY EASTER and I hope you all have wonderful time. Don't eat too many Easter Eggs!! See you all on Monday 20th April. Mrs Currey

Easter bonnet making and parade!

On Friday our parents came in to help us to make and decorate Easter bonnets, hats or bunny ears. We all had a fun time and came up with some great designs! In the afternoon we had a parade around the playground to show off our hats. A big thank-you to all the parents who came in to support us with this event. We hope to hold similar events in the future. Please take a look at the photos of us busy at work above! Can you spot yourself there?

On behalf of all the Reception team we wish you a safe and happy Easter break :-)