Friday 30 January 2009

China Week

We had a very busy week this week! We learnt lots of information about China, listened to the Chinese Zodiac story, sung some Chinese songs, had a go at some Chinese dancing and made Chinese New Year cards, masks and envelopes. We wrote a sentence about our favourite part of China week, using our sounds and keywords to help us.

Photographs of all the fun of China week in Reception will be uploaded soon!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday 25 January 2009

Monday 26th January - RM

Hey everyone,

Hope you had a good weekend.

Just to let you know that I will be out of class all day on Monday 26th January as I have a course.

RM will be covered by Mrs Bacon in the morning and Mrs Stamp in the afternoon.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday and will begin to sort out parents evening appointment times then.

Mr. Merchant

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Indoor P.E - Balances

In indoor P.E this term we are thinking about balances. We learnt that when we balance we must stand very still and make sure that the only part of our body touching the floor is the part that we are balancing on.

We learnt that we can balance on the small parts (feet, hands, shoulders, head) and large parts (tummy, back) of our bodies and had a go.

Which parts of your body can you balance on?

Sunday 11 January 2009

Transport and Journeys

This term our topic is Transport and Journeys.

To start our topic we made a mind-map of everything that we already knew about transport. We came up with lots of ideas which was great!

We will be learning lots more about vehicles over the next few weeks so watch this space.

To start off see if your child can name the vehicles above and talk about what they are used for. How do they work; do they use petrol, electricity or a different power source? Do they carry people or parcels? How many wheels do they have? What are the different parts called?

Can they name any other vehicles?