Sunday 20 March 2011

Olympic Week Photos

Olympic Week

This past week RB and RC have been taking part in 'Olympic Week'. They have been playing lots of playground games such as 'Duck, duck, goose', taking part in competitions such as how far can they throw a bean bag and have been doing yoga, hula hooping, bat and ball and parachute games at other times.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Musical Quintet

This afternoon we were visited by a musical quintet, who performed many great tunes. Here is one of them.

Friday 22 October 2010

Friday 2 July 2010

Our Trip To Old MacDonalds Farm

On Monday we went to Old MacDonald's Farm, we had a GREAT time. First we on a coach to get to the farm. Then we started to look and feed the animals. After that we had lunch together, when we finished lunch we went off to go and play. We also went on the train wich was fun then watched a film.

By Avneet and Brandon

Our Trip to The Farm

On Monday, both classes, RC and RN went to Old Mcdonald's Farm. Firstly, we went to see the animals, and we also fed them. We fed a goat and it was so fun! Then went on a tremendous slide. It was a spyro slide! Then we went on a snake slide aswell. Some children were wrapped up in a sack. It was so scary! Straight after,we ran onto the sand.
Then, the best bit were the 'Go Karts'. We had to race, and the winners were Sophie, Faith and Kaylie. They were so happy. Then, we went to the kangaroos, but they saddly did not jump, because it was TOO hot. Finally, we had lunch. Unfortunately, it was our time to return to school. We were extremely sad!

When we returned to school, we were so tired aswell. It was the best trip so far!

Here is a song of Old Mcdonald's Farm:

by Sophie and Faith

Friday 25 June 2010


In Reception we have been learning about Bears and we got bears(toy bears)from school but they went missing. We then went on a bear hut to look for them, eventually all the hard work payed off and we found them.